Top diplomat says Israel’s retaliation against the Hamas attacks has become a ‘collective punishment’ of Palestinians

  • @jetA
    318 months ago

    Countries that survived and overcame colonialism and apartheid are going to be the leaders in calling out Apartheid and Colonialism in the modern age.

    Diplomatic boycott is only the first step, nothing will change until there is a economic boycott and sanctions… a’la Apartheid south africa.

  • HobbitFoot
    68 months ago

    And they used to be such good apartheid nuclear buddies.

    • @jetA
      138 months ago

      We must live in a world where a government can be criticized openly and objectively. Otherwise we are saying there is a group of humans who are perfect - now and forever, without any room for improvement.

      How do you propose that countries express their distaste for humanitarian crisis at the diplomatic level?


      • South Africa wants to make a stand against Apartheid
      • South Africa wants to make a stand against man made ongoing humanitarian disasters
      • South Africa doesn’t want to be anti-sematic

      What should they do? Any answer must fit all 3 requirements (i.e. don’t try to change South African international policy)