I was about to throw an air strike the other day. But before I threw it, I got disconnected. And it dropped right where I stood and killed my 2 mates. Fuck that shit was funny, we all laughed so much
I once got some sweet revenge on my friends because they wanted to prevent me from extracting for the laughs, so I ran at them with an airstrike ready in my hand. They melee’d me, knocking the stratagem out of my hands. And that eagle airstrike comes in fast
I was about to throw an air strike the other day. But before I threw it, I got disconnected. And it dropped right where I stood and killed my 2 mates. Fuck that shit was funny, we all laughed so much
I once got some sweet revenge on my friends because they wanted to prevent me from extracting for the laughs, so I ran at them with an airstrike ready in my hand. They melee’d me, knocking the stratagem out of my hands. And that eagle airstrike comes in fast
10/10 would commit treason again
That happens regularly when getting killed while preparing to throw a strategem :D