Is she on a steeply inclined bench, and she holds her head back, as if she were standing straight and looking up? And then the prop is hanging down?
I’m honestly not trying to be difficult or obtuse or pedantic.
The other option I could guess is she is standing straight and has a bodysuit on that has an image of the prop, or the prop just in front. But it looks like the prop has depth that would go into her body.
Yes, this is way cooler.
Although I haven’t quite figured out exactly what is going on between actress and prop.
He’s got his hand on her real shoulder, that should give your brain enough context.
Is she on a steeply inclined bench, and she holds her head back, as if she were standing straight and looking up? And then the prop is hanging down?
I’m honestly not trying to be difficult or obtuse or pedantic.
The other option I could guess is she is standing straight and has a bodysuit on that has an image of the prop, or the prop just in front. But it looks like the prop has depth that would go into her body.
*Titanic theme plays*
Thank you! (Not sarcasm)
No worries. It’s an odd perspective, forced with the neck prosthetics.
She’s on a pretty severe incline. Look at the outline of her real neck.