Man… Imagine actually losing a child, and then seeing this man call his daughter dead simply because she is trans.
It’s actually an unbelievably awful and sad thought… And it’s not hypothetical. It’s very real.
This is my first thought and is another level of awful on this shit sundae. Trans rights are a whole separate conversation. Let’s start with the fact that some people do lose their children and would do ANYTHING to have them back for one fucking day. A father who buried their child would be well within their rights to beat the ever loving shit out of Elon for this post.
NO. No they fucking didn’t die. What YOU did was decide you’d rather have a dead son than a living daughter. What YOU decided was your child wasn’t worth it. That you didn’t love them enough to learn anything or change your fucking mind.
It’s even worse than that. He’s lying. According to Vivian, he didn’t give a shit that she was trans until he turned alt-right. Now he’s trying to use that to score points with his new fanbase.
He didn’t care about her pre-transition. He doesn’t care about her post-transition. He doesn’t care about a “woke mind virus”. He’s just doing the right-wing equivalent of virtue signaling. Vice signaling?
The “best” part is that it’s basically all because she pointed out what a POS dad he was, and when some stupid publicity stunts he did to make her like him didn’t work, he turned on her and went on this “woke mind virus” tirade. He’s such a petulant child it’s absolutely hilarious.
Oh, I didn’t know about that history. I thought it all started with the Jordan Peterson interview.
Also, speaking as a disowned trans woman, while not the case here, often the parents saying that refrain either were the ones to cut contact themselves, or are engaging in missing missing reasons shit
It’s not uncommon for even loving and supportive parents to need to mourn their idea of who they thought their child was as they get to know them as they are now. But that’s a time to maybe attend some pflag counseling sessions and talk to parents who’ve been through it and can assure them that their kid is the same person and going to be happier. Making a public stink and getting involved in transphobia guarantees lasting damage to your relationship if it can ever be recovered.
I’m so very sorry to hear that happened to you. There’s a lot of parents out there that are… less than optimal. I guess the various survivors will just have to build our own found families out of people worth our time.
Yeah. Though it should be noted, it’s actually rare for disowning like that to be permanent. I’ve known my fair share of us and contact is usually reestablished a few years later. At nearing 10 years without meaningful contact I’m an exception. But for those who do reestablish contact the years and trust that are lost are incredibly important. To lose family during such an emotionally and materially vulnerable time does lasting damage and some parents don’t seem to get why their child, while open to reestablishing contact, can’t let things go back to how they were before.
And yeah I’ve been fortunate, I find myself surrounded by love and community at stage after stage of my life. Some scars are difficult to heal, and so I do like to speak up on this topic in case someone who needs to hear does.
love seeing references to Down the Rabbit Hole out in the wild
I mean isn’t he choosing all male children? What else do you expect.
He’s a literal technofascist and yes he is, almost none of his kids are reportedly natural conceptions and there’s some evidence to suggest botched penis vanity surgery prevents him from having children naturally.
there’s some evidence to suggest botched penis vanity surgery prevents him from having children naturally.
Someone should do a study of these fucking losers to see how much overlap there is between hateful right wing ideology, bigots, pedos, etc. and dudes with deformed penises.
Didn’t Epstein also have a weird shaped penis? And Trump?
I don’t even know if he understands what sex is.
What evidence of a botched penis vanity surgery is there?
His ex grimes allegedly saying it.
There’s a difference between Grimes saying something and Azealia Banks claiming that Grimes said something. I’d be very skeptical of any rumor started by Azealia Banks.
There’s not, grimes has had ample opportunity to rebuke the idea and chose not to so it stands as circumstantial evidence.
I am skeptical of anyone giving musk the benefit of the doubt at this point, guess we’re just different people huh?
Nobody wants to respond to Azealia Banks, who is known for harassing other artists on social media, especially ones who don’t have the foresight to avoid interacting with her. Grimes didn’t comment the last name Banks dragged her into a feud related to Elon Musk, and later released a song about “trying to destroy Azealia Banks when she tried to destroy my life”.
Why would Grimes go out of her way to defend her ex against rumors about his penis when he just tried to block her from seeing their children? Grimes is not responsible for refuting rumors about Musk and she has every reason to ignore them, even more so when Azealia Banks is involved.
That’s an allegation, not evidence.
Sounds like circumstantial evidence to me…
Allegations from first hand sources are evidence, that’s an eye witness they have children together people have been convicted of murder on eye witness alone.
My limited understanding of the law is that allegations can trigger investigations in the hopes to find evidence, but are not evidences themselves. I could be wrong though.
Holy fuck is THAT what Vivian’s dead name is?! Jesus Christ what an absolute loser musk is… what is his obsession with the letter X
Dude is a like 12 year old, I swear
‘X’ is the 88th ASCII character.
This sort of stuff felt like reaching until I witnessed it myself.
For those who don’t know: X is like a swastica, and it’s the 88th ascii character, H is the 8th letter, 88 -> HH -> “hail Hitler”.
Yes. I do feel like Adam West’s Batman.
I haven’t seen evidence of X as a dogwhistle, though I would suspect if I did it would be like the OK sign, which was intentionally used to make antifascists look crazy
I’m not saying he’s not a nazi obsessed with the letter, both are true. But they don’t feel related and I haven’t seen non-circumstantial evidence predating Musk being a fascist.
I think the Nazi influence goes back pretty far for him. I heard that his grandparents were neo Nazis in Canada.
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Of course it is
He’s like a preschooler trying to use their power level
Basically his first “son” named X didn’t turn out the way he wanted, so he made another son named X.
And he changed twitter to X.
And X is an established nazi reference.
Elon is rotten and evil to his core.
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I’m honestly surprised that I somehow managed to miss that. There’s also X AE A-XII, and there are some others that have an x in the name such as Exa Dark Sideræl Musk and Saxon Musk.
such as Exa Dark Sideræl Musk
I hate this so goddamn much.
It’s a “my immortal” ass name
It’s like a fucking middle schooler saw the word “sideareal” in their science textbook and thought it looked cool.
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This is some JW disfellowshiping level behavior.
But sure Elon, you’re not the one in a cult, it’s everyone outside of your group that’s crazy.
Dude, are you an escaped JW disfelloshipped king/queen too? I totally did not expect to see this relation brought up in this thread!
No, but I know some ex JWs.
Fucking idiot killed his son himself.There was no “virus”. He went with “you’re dead to me”. Vivian said that this is who she is and he killed her for it. He’s the loser - she’s living her truth and he’s blind to who he really is. What a clown.
Wanting to exterminate ideas is definitely not a fascist tendency.
I really cannot wait for the pendulum to swing back the other way. I am going to be absolutely insufferable about it until I die. These people have gone so far over the line.
Wanting to exterminate ideas is definitely not a fascist tendency.
From the same guy that said he wanted to “cure” autism. Surely you must jest.
Would you say eliminating the idea of the patriarchy or fascism itself is fashy?
I’d say eliminating patriarchy or fascism is coercive, but not (necessarily) authoritarian and definitely not fascist:
- Coercive because you’re using force to suppress the idea (e.g. punching Nazis, canceling abusers.)
- Anti-authoritarian if the people are organically self-organizing to punch Nazis. More authoritarian if a centralized power is drafting people to punch Nazis.
- Not fascist because fascism is inherently far-right, and predicated on enforcing a “natural” power hierarchy.
The Paradox of Tolerance justifies the forceful suppression of fascism and patriarchy. But imo you have to be careful - I limit my application of the Paradox of Tolerance to ideas that intrinsically cannot coexist with freedom of thought.
Is this idiot talking about his daughter? Sorry I’m away from news
he apparently used IVF or something to have kids, and only had male embryos implanted into the partner dejure of the moment.
So when she came out as trans, he lost his absolute fucking mind.
He was always a emotionally stunted pre teen edgelord.
But when she came out, he went extremely hard right and dove head first into deathcamp nazism
Yeah, he was “pro” rights for that community and posted about it on Twitter pre that happening. Then she came out and he flipped his shit started hating it all.
The man child also had a hissy fit when Grimes started dating Chelsea Manning.
He has like 14 kids and is a total sociopath so ‘losing’ one shouldn’t be a big deal. Russian Tsars had healthier relationships with their kids.
I’m not here to shit on your mastery of language, but:
De jure - by law (from Latin)
Du jour - of the day (from French)
Literally nobody in my day-to-day life has ever warned me about or even used the term ‘woke mind virus’. It’s a fucking ridiculous notion pushed by ignorant, non-serious fakers. If anyone did say that to me in person, I’d laugh at their face then turn around and walk away laughing so hard i’d be looking for a hand rail or wall to balance myself. It’s too bad social media doesn’t allow for that level of humiliating interaction
Is the woke mind virus here with us in this room right now?
I’ve heard it be used ironically
He is a disgusting nazi and as any nazi should be taken out from the face of earth
I wonder if he actually understands why he is so hated. Like, if he gets gaddafied would it register why it was happening
This is incredibly disrespectful to anyone who has actually lost a child. Also, her name is Vivian!
I’m fairly sure there is a higher chance this parasite will get guillotined before “the woke mind virus” dies.
Vivian responded on Instagram
What does it say?
It’s a screenshot of the tweet with some music, then “I look pretty good for a dead bitch”
People will really just censor fuck but not a deadname. Maybe don’t fucking do that in future.
The statement becomes hard to understand if you just censored Vivian’s old name.
If you replaced it with “Vivian”, and “she”, then you change it so much that it becomes confusing what point Musk was trying to drive at, and/or diminish exactly how vile his statement was.
Just blank out her dead name. People have been doing that on other platforms and it is clear enough what type of harrasment it is. Otherwise, you are just spreading the harm.
yeah that fucking sucks to read. you can half assedly scribble it out, you can white it out and put “deadname” over it. it’s just lazy not to.
How did Xavier die?