Still not a drag queen.
I think this can be described as “Game recognizing Game”
But the Democrats are harvesting Adenochrome from children
And it works. Have you seen Nancy Pelosi lately? They don’t call her “the Belle of the House” for nothing.
Give me Nancy Pelosi and a long evening and I’ll show you a portfolio you’d be proud to bring home to your mother.
Just wait for the pardon, I guess.
Churches are harmful to children.
They’re basically just indoctrination centers, tbh
And religions too.
Birds of a feather and all
“Thank you for all that you do to* the youth of our great nation”
Pretty sure that’s what he meant.
His signature is so ridiculous
I bet he used a handsaw as a template
And he is from an era where kids were supposed to be taught penmanship.
It’s not a signature it’s an EKG graph
The dream:
Trump always looks constipated
Which is ironic because he’s incontinent.
What a stupid fucking signature.
Duals GwwwwwwwA
His handwriting just seems evil somehow. Can’t quite put my finger on it.
that’s some typeface, i’m sure of it because each letter is identical.
You know, of course it is. Wouldn’t expect Trump to handwrite anything but his own name.
He reAllY doEs like hIs raNdoM cApiTalizatIon
He’s done the youth of the nation alright I guess?