JFK to LAX, any % of passengers.
If it was any% of plane, there are some creative launching strategies we could explore.
Boeing has entered the chat
And landing
Used to lead big hikes. We had an “80% return rate is good”. Partial bodies counted.
Yes, this was a joke for attendees.
Does the run end when you touch the ground, or do you have to actually make it to the gate?
With the new gateless skip it’s basically the same exact time. You clip right into the gate
Guys, I think I know what happened to that plane in SK…
Literally just gun it towards the landing strip at full speed to save one framerule
By any % of passengers, You mean seats filled, or do You mean arrive with a different amount that You took off with?
Southwest Airlines pays their pilots a bonus for every minute they block in early.
Guess who has a reputation for bugging ATC for shortcuts and taxiing really fast.
Aha, I knew it! Flight attendants get paid per ‘flight’ hour and the pilots get bonuses to reduce the amount of time the attendants are paid for. That’s fucked up
Pay is usually per flight hour, but also paid on a block-or-better basis. The minimum pay for completing a leg is the scheduled time, but if there are delays, then actual time from parking brake to parking brake is paid
parking brake
This a fwd model? Get me some McDonald’s trays, I’m gonna show atc a cool trick
Oh, that’s better than I assumed
Ooooh, so that’s why I saw a plane doing janky backwards jumps before being flung off into the sky.
Hey guys desinc here, today I’m gonna show you some tricks and glitches in real life
click uh, ladies and gentlemen this is your Captain speaking. Wha. Hoo hoo. Yahoooo! Yahoo! Yah! Yayayayaya! click
(Edit: wrong sound)
subjects everyone to 15g force.
I mean it might make the flight less boring, since everyone just passes out.
Down with the tailwind?
Whoops, I had the wrong sound Mario. Fixed.
Sometimes I like to speedrun deliveries in American Truck Simulator. Turn off fatigue (roleplay my driver as addicted to energy drinks and cocaine and pees in bottles) and drive at 105 mph (168.981 km/hr) halfway across the country.
Get there 3 days early, because faster deliveries means more Value® to the shareholders.
I definitely enjoyed when trucks showed up 3 days earlier than they were supposed to when i ran a shipping dock. It definitely didn’t fuck up our whole system, no way.
Get there 3 days early, because faster deliveries means more Value® to the shareholders.
If you aren’t providing Value® the shareholders. You have to ask yourself, “Am I good employee?”
Weird, I don’t remember making this comment
(I use the new Volvo VNL sleeper with the stock engine, so 85 is about all it can do, but you ever got up on 2 wheels - technically 5 but - at a near-perfect 45 degree tilt, while doing 80, because you are determined to prove that “30 mph advisory speed” sign wrong? 85 the whole way, ducking and weaving and using the shoulders and the median…)
Collision detection isn’t perfect. If you save and load just at the right time while moving forwards you can sometimes clip through walls. So walls are basically just a suggestion. The only problem is that if you mess it up, you die and loose time due to the unskippable death animation…
But no one messes that trick up right?
So what im hearing is that 9/11 was a messed up speed run?
That’s debatable. While they were initially going for the clip glitch, they ended up discovering a wrong warp.
I hate being a pedant, but I hate this common mistake more.
If you edit your post I’ll straight up delete this comment ♥️
What’s wrong with living in loose time
Loose time sure got a purdy mouth
If you die on the same frame as falling down a hole and the screen transitions, it increments the submode which results in a broken mode-submode combination. The room number in RAM changes to that of the room below, however it is never loaded. Thus, transitioning north places you in the room north of the room below this one, from which you can jump through a wall to activate EG. This also underflows the room number from 10 to 250 which causes all sprites to despawn, including the mantle blocking the sewers in Escape.
The Book of Superskuj, 753:12-15
I read that in desync’s voice
Ladies and gentelmen this is your pilot speaking, I’ve gone ahead and put the seat belt lights back on because Marlons a fucking showoff and thinks he so great. Buckle up and hold tight.
<Pilots start looking for glitches>
Hmm, after reading my contract carefully, there’s nothing in there that explicitly says I actually have to wait for the passengers and baggage to be loaded before taking off…
Just type in the 7500 cheatcode and you can take shortcuts through military airspace.
[halfway through the flight] “Dang, I can’t make this time. Going to reset”
Block time (airlines calculate it differently) was traditionally viewed from “block to block”, the time the wheel chocks were removed for the aircraft to move under its own power for departure to the time the wheel chocks were put back under the wheels at destination. Now it just means what the airline thinks the flight time will be for scheduling purposes.
As a passenger, this is what you see when your app tells you the flight time. It includes taxi out and taxi in.
Delay-prone flights are often over blocked, so a perfectly delay-free flight (push, taxi, takeoff, fly, land, taxi in, park) that takes say an hour and a half total might me blocked for 1:50 because historically one of the airports might be busy at that time an they know there will be a long taxi, gate holds, whatever.
So sometimes fate smiles on everyone and you get to leave early, miss whatever built in delays there might be planned, ATC gives you a couple shortcuts, a favorable wind, and bam, you’re in 30 minutes early.
So not really a speed run, just lots of luck.
The RNG gods giveth and the RNG gods take away.
oh like a flipped bit isn’t also lots of luck
Nice explanation, thanks.
I was thinking that maybe the company needed that plane somewhere quickly and just said screw it to fuel efficiency.
Do they allow clipping? Or is that a different category?
Not since that failed attempt.
Ah I’ve always wanted to fly to Backrooms Airport
Fair haha.
What’s clipping?
in speed running computer games clipping is normally clipping out of the defined boundaries of the environment into areas that the developers did not intend.
Thanks for the explanation, you were quicker than me with a response.
No no no, that’s only 52 minutes early. He left 2 minutes before the scheduled start time. Quit trying to boost your stats, man!
Me farming gold 10 seconds before the match ends to look good on the stats screen:
I’m assuming getting all your passengers there is considered a 100% run. I think the players branching out into lower % runs will open up some pretty big time savings and make for much more interesting runs.
you can take off as soon as the first passenger steps into the plane for a massive time save
Still need to wait for the safety information cutscene though
Low%, get to your destination with as few passengers and plane parts remaining as possible
Boeing over here turning bugs into features
Boeing is doing the low% speedrun where you try to get to your destination with the least aircraft parts.
At this point arriving at the airport is optional.
New York to Atlanta any% run.
(That’s not a very long flight so 54 minutes is actually pretty impressive.)
Stretch goal: Arrive before takeoff.
Concorde has entered the chat.
Freebird intensifys