rumors about the Russian leader’s failing health.
Yeah yeah, we’ve had these for years now. Wake me up when Russia’s new president signs a peace deal that isn’t a full on annexation of Ukrainian territories with nothing in return. If that ever happens.
Putin cancer and Trump legal consequences: this time for sure™️
It will be true eventually
That’s true. But it’s also true that the guy isn’t immortal.
Technically not proven yet. Hopefully soon.
When the time eventually comes, I wonder how big of a bloodbath the change of regimes will be?
Here’s hoping
Die, bitch, die. 🙏
Hopefully Trump and Putin’s bodies take care of the problems for the world sooner rather than later
The bigger issue is that Trump and Putin are just the most visible part of the problem.
If they both died tomorrow (oh god please), another would simply take their place. It would require a complete deprogramming of their supporters on the scale of Germany in 1945. The problem is that the entire government needs to fall for that to ever even be attempted. It would literally require a revolution or large scale invasion for that to happen at this point, and even then, as we’ve seen with Russia and Northern Africa quite a few times, revolutions have a tendency to just pave the way for the next lunatic to take power.
In USA, invasion isn’t really possible, so it would have to be an incredibly violent and costly (in human lives) revolution, with a slim chance to actually change anything.
An invasion of Russia is probably possible, but it would require some insane inside help to make sure they don’t just nuke everything when they realise they’ve lost anyway. A revolution probably wouldn’t do much, because of the brainwashing problem.
Either or both of them dying couldn’t hurt.
SovietRussian succession always takes a power struggle between rivals before things are consolidated.Vance has the charisma of a turnip.
hey now that’s just mean
turnips don’t deserve such disrespect ;-;
I can’t speak for Putin, but MAGA is a cult of personality. Once HitlerPig assumes room temperature, there will be a vicious battle for leadership, and at least half of the MAGA Morons will drop out without their divine leader to follow. Its very likely they will pivot to making him a religious figure.
The traditional GOP will try to recapture their hegemony over the party, and the Sociopathic Oligarchs will wage a war to keep and expand their influence. They will all try to float a new leader, and we can expect HitlerPig Jr to make a big attempt, but he’ll be recieved the same way as Frank Sinatra Jr - with a yawn. Anyone else will be accepted even less.
I hope the battle for control of the party will result in internecine violence, so the Dems can regain power, and use the crimes and violence of the MAGAs to crush them, and purge them from government and society.
I think if that happened, the push against other nations would at least get a reprieve as infighting takes over, especially if Putin bites it.
There are a lot of people who want to be king and they’ll all likely have plots to take out their rivals and consolidate power
Any micro organism inside of them has my support.
By the time you’re 70/80 years old your thymus has basically just turned into fat cells and can no longer create new T-cells for your immune system. We just need the right microbe to enter.
Hooo! If this is true Russia’s in for it. He’s been very effective at eliminating any possible successors. Hopefully the nukes stay safe.
can putin take trump with him
In Egypt, leaders were buried with their property…
Trump was probably the one who contaminated him
Oh cool everybody loves a Russian power vacuum
What about second Kursk invasion?
Is that like a very tight power bottom?
deleted by creator
No, it’s probably worse this time. That wasn’t a vacuum so much as two organised coups in quick succession.
You mistyped Chinese vassal state
New world order: Putin dies, successor adopts democracy and joins NATO, Trump leaves NATO and goes full authoritarian, US becomes new dictatorship while Russia becomes new leader of the free world.
Even if Putin’s successor adopts real democracy, it will take generations to change the national psyche that thinks they need a strong leader. As much as the west hates Putin, he does have real support among the people. At least as long as he remains strong.
Most importantly, it takes rewriting their school books… The Russian school books on mathematics and on Russian language rant about Russian supremacy.
I mean, the US and Germany essentially reversed roles.
Also China and Japan.
Wtf is this simulation, so fucking bizzare and absurd.
This comment actually broke my brain, please tell me this is bait 😭
A Russian leadership change would be good enough to stop the Ukrainian war. Any new leader would need resources close to hold power.
This also just wont happen, Trump is the figure uniting the fascists in the US when he pops it topples and the spell is broken. There is a lot of horrible factors and clean up to be done but Trump doesn’t have the means to go full auhtoritarian I dont think.
Trump is the figure uniting the fascists in the US when he pops it topples and the spell is broken.
I sincerely hope so, but I don’t find that likely. People aren’t turning to fascism just because they like him, they’re doing so because they aren’t able to think critically, or are hateful, or are looking for easy answers to the complex issues fucking up their lives, or all of the above.
Trump didn’t get to power in a vacuum. The political environment is ripe for it.
Absolutely, but Trump is the centre of it. There is a reason fascism fails after leaders die, it is difficult to sustain. There isnt enough foundations yet for itnto survive after.
Even so, Drumphs “charisma”, whatever the fuck that is, is the glue holding all the shit people together. JD Vance isn’t going to be able to threaten GOP congressturds and senaturds with primaries. No-one even likes him, it’s just his attachment to Drumphs starfish that gives him any power.
Russia has tried joining NATO before, NATO wasn’t really interested. It’s one of the main reasons Russia is convinced NATO is inherently hostile to Russia.
That is absolutely not why Russia dislikes NATO, it’s because NATO was built to defend against russia (CCCP/URSS which was led by russia).
That’s also why the anti-bully club rejected the bully
Well, yes, NATO was built to oppose Russia, that’s why they refused Russia membership, and why Russia considers NATO inherently a threat. And why “Russia joins NATO” is a non-starter, Pution or no Putin.
Defending from something doesn’t really mean opposing something in this sense.
I’ve got autocorrect switched off, but these kinds of corrections have lately started happening.
Anyway, corrected “need” to “mean”.
Does it? If you’re defending, it’s presumably from an attack, which you are thereby opposing.
I mean, imagine if Russia and the US announce tomorrow that they formed a military alliance - it’s just defensive, don’t worry about it. Also, UKIP, AFD, and FN won, and the UK, Germany, and France are joining, too. No, the rest of NATO can’t join, but it’s just defensive, don’t worry about it. Also, Taiwan can’t join, but China might. Don’t worry about it.
I get that exclusion doesn’t necessarily have to mean hostility, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to see a power block forming that deliberately excludes you and be concerned. Now, I could think of a few ways of dealing with that concern that don’t involve, yknow, going to war, but I’m not the guy running things.
Russia’s behaviour whilst holding a veto in the UN Security Council pretty much proves to NATO that Russia would only be an obstacle, and no asset at all. Fuck Russia! With a giant cactus. No lube!
Never know what the future will hold
If CK2 taught me one thing, it’s that claim wars automatically end when the claimant dies. As soon as putin keels over all the red flagged armies in Ukraine will go neutral and have to walk back home.
No matter how many bad people are waiting to take his place, one less Putin in the world is a net positive.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
He’s a hard cockroach to get rid of.
Evil has a way to endure. Just look at Mitch McConnell.
Or Kissinger
That’s who I was thinking of when I first had the thought. Thanks for the reminder
The good news is that Moscow Mitch will be dead soon, too.
They’re giving him the Lenin treatment before he’s even dead
He’s going to be around forever
Only the good die young, assholes live FOREVER
Stalin tried to enforce the Lenin treatment for himself…
It doesn’t always stick.
The next person to gain power is 100% going to clean house, because the Russian government is a pit of back biting vipers.
You’re not worried that Putin is really just a puppet for all the oligarchs running the place now? Seems likely they’ll pick a new puppet.
A puppet is someone whose actions are fully steered from the outside.
Putin is a person chosen by KGB/FSB because he makes decisions that are very useful its leaders, but he retains a large amount of autonomy.
They’re all in it together, but the ones less loyal to Putin have a habit of dying.
Putin has had a bunch of them killed.
There’s a great podcast called Sad Oligarch that goes over it all.
So yeah, Putin is not currently a puppet ruler.
Good to know, I’ll check out that podcast. It sounds pretty interesting.
So far in our species history, the most rich and powerful have not been able to defeat father time (they want to, but they can’t figure out how … Yet).
When I watched the first season of altered carbon, all I thought of was how the worst of our species will be the ones to live forever. I think avoiding death is really just a bio-engineering problem, and will be figured out if climate change doesn’t unalive us all first
Let’s see them escape heat death of the universe
But then we have to suffer dealing with them for a few billion years lol
His replacement will almost certainly be bad but they will have the opportunity to hang the whole Ukraine debacle on Putin and end the war. No certainty of this of course, but it’s possible.
They will of course attempt to keep the lands gained, they will be obliged to play the card of the referendum regions. But most of all they will need support, Oligarchs losing money, public losing sons, jobs, purchasing power. They will need to regain a hold on power and they cant do that by projecting what they have.
Please stop, I can only get so happy…
Between now and that party day there is still a lot of time for Putin to fuck things over. Be ready.
Also, when Putin dies, who will take over? I can guarantee you that Russia won’t be a human loving democracy after he’s gone, it’ll just be the next dictator who takes over. Putin will make sure his legacy is perfect (because for guys like him, it’s all about bullshit like dynasty and legacy) and then place the next Putin but probably worse.
Also, please take trump and the US government with you?
He won’t plant anyone as long as his legacy isn’t flawless. It will never be.
For now, anyone who could became the next vladelets (🤮) is seen as a threat by Putin, and handled accordingly.
But… Putin was planted by KGB, and KGB/FSB does have a plan for whom to plant.
One thing is sure. Zelenskyy will outlive him.
And I hope Putin outlives the Russian Federation.
…and dies as soon as possible, anyway. Preferably before April.
I’m sure the next soulless monster is lined up to take control of the cesspool.
They’ll have to fight the other soulless monsters to the front of the line.
This will be a clash between organizations, not between people per se. KGB/FSB will fight other branches of the Russia’s junta for whose candidate will get the job.